The missing OpenCart advanced CMS is finally here!

Pavilion Page Builder replaces the default OpenCart module/layout functionality with an advanced system which allows you to control the entire page content and style. Technically, the layout is based on a extended responsive CSS grid system, similar to Bootstrap, Pure or Foundation. The concept is close to Visual Composer for Wordpress.

The Page Builder is the ultimate landing page creator. Use it to design your lead capture pages, improving SEO and conversion rate from online advertisements. Quickly build different versions when testing for landing page optimization. No need to use external lander generators.

With the aid of an convenient drag & drop interface you don't need much time to build complex layouts. No programming skills are required - just your imagination!

Pavilion comes with 20 built-in content blocks (just like wordpress widgets) packed with functionality and styling options, which permit countless page variations.

You are now the designer!